Reboot Your Brain for a Better 2022

While a lot of us don’t understand why (something to do with apps, RAM, peripherals, etc.), we know that rebooting your computer helps it run better. What we might not realize is that the same is true for your brain.  

But, without a “Power” button, how do you reboot a brain? Here are some suggestions. 

Sleep. really good night’s sleep does wonders for a busy brain.  

Exercise. The physical benefits of exercise are only half of the story. Working out is a great way to work out things that are bogging down your brain. 

Eat better. It’s a cliché, but it’s true: A better diet leads to a better you.  

Assess and address. Take the time to analyze the things that are putting stress on your brain, and then address them. Work stress? Family tensions? Money worries? Something else? Identify the stressor, then come up with a plan to make a difference.  

Gather together. Get together with friends for an evening of conversation, board games or easy-going activities.  

Find beauty and experience joy. Make it a point to see something lovely or do something that brings you joy. Then savor the moment, and think back on it often. 

Breathe. Get an app, watch a video or listen to a podcast that guides you through breathing techniques. You’ll find that a few deep breaths really can make a difference. 

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